My adventure into woodworking

About Me

A little about me: I am a dietitian living in Maryland (Ayala Nutrition, LLC).  I have 2 wonderful kids- Emma and Julian- and an amazing husband who I must thank for any functionality in this webpage. I have worked in a variety of positions over the years including long-term care, acute care and eating disorders. 


Despite enjoying my job, I still felt like something was missing. This page is about me finding that something.  While my husband’s first reaction was, “Quit being a dietitian and do something else,” I didn’t think I needed to do something so drastic. At this point, you can guess that I stumbled into woodworking and fell in love. I took a few classes at a local woodworkers’ club and that was it. My hobby now takes over our 2-car garage (and parts of our laundry room!).

This website started out as a blog about my journey into woodworking but has changed a lot as my woodworking has progressed. My favorite method of woodworking is to find a unique piece/photo somewhere and try to build it myself- this is now the majority of furniture in our house. I love functional pieces more than anything else as they are not just decorative but serve a purpose in our life and get used daily. 

2022 was the year of artist markets/shows for me- I did 10 events altogether although I’m still not sure how I pulled off enough inventory for each one. These events are always so much fun, even though they are also exhausting. I feel that I always meet the most wonderful makers who are so supportive of each other. I especially love meeting a fellow woodworker and getting to share shop tips/tricks. While life may have a different plan, I hope that for 2023 I will work on some new pieces for us around the house since we recently moved and still get out to some events to show some new products I have waiting in the to-do list in my phone!