12. Where have I been?

That is a good question- one that I’ve been asking myself. What happened to writing a post at least every other week? What happened to finishing a project each month? Well, lack of electricity got in the way- but also life.

The first issue came with my circuit breaker in the garage. I’m not sure if a breaker can increase in the frequency of “tripping” or if it had always been tripping regularly and I just hadn’t noticed but tripping 50% of the time was definitely slowing my progress and multiplying my frustration. During a quick visit up here, my dad gave me an idea to run an extension chord to the house to run my dust collection system leaving my tools to run off the breaker in the garage. This worked wonderfully but eliminated any day that was rainy since that just felt dangerous. I finally just decided to get it over with and called an electrician. Due to the busy schedule of an electrician towards the end of the year, which I didn’t know was a thing, it took 3 weeks to get the 3 quad outlets added to my garage. But, the work is beautiful and effective. I can now run my dust collection system, a space heater and my tools all at once if I choose!

Then there were the holidays. This always feel like a good time of the year to be lax on my priorities. Suddenly present wrapping, decorating or shopping takes a front seat to, oh I don’t know, starting the sewing table that I’m supposed to be making for my neighbor! That’s right. Not sure if I already mentioned this but over the summer, a neighbor saw me in my garage working on a project and stopped by. She asked if I could build her a table to hold her sewing machine. I let her know I was just getting into woodworking but that I was certain I could do that for her. I’m pretty sure I overwhelmed her with questions about wood preference, durability, height, length etc but she finally got back to me that she wanted it painted white. That being said, after putting it off the project for 3 weeks, I finally started working on it the week after Christmas. I’m now in the finishing stages and ready to give to her. Stay tuned for an update on the projects page.