16. Go to the Garage

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost four months since I’ve posted anything here. So much for my goal to post “regularly.” Good thing I didn’t make my goal time-specific. This doesn’t mean I haven’t been out in the garage- it just means that in my list of what I want to get done each day, writing a post is somewhere close to the bottom. Which makes me sad because I do enjoy writing these. Why the sudden revisit? Well I got an email from my domain host saying the registration was ending in 60 days and asked if I wanted to renew. I ignored that email since a lot can happen nowadays in 60 days and I wasn’t sure how I felt. Then I got another email at 30 days.

This time, I took the opportunity to ask my husband what he thought. He didn’t hesitate with his opinion that I should renew my registration for another year. When I inquired why, since I rarely have time to sit down and work on it, his response was simple, “Make time.” So here it is, a few days later, making time. So here’s to another year! (Which was funny when I went to renew my registration and found out that I had signed up for a 3 year registration. How ambitious I was a year ago!)

So what has happened in the last 3.5 months? Out in the world? Gosh, I wouldn’t even know where to start but let’s just say A LOT. Here, where we’ve tried to stay as much as possible? I’ve finished a couple more projects which I hope to get some posts done about them soon. But on a lighter note, we have a new saying in the house- Go To The Garage. This saying originated on one of those terrible, horrible, no good days a while back. Let’s say it was raining. The kids were bouncing off the walls with energy. When I looked around, all that I could see were the numerous things I wasn’t getting done.

My temper was running short and I wasn’t the most fun playmate for my kids. I heard Juan’s footsteps coming up the stairs from his office where he was working. He looked at me and said “Go to the garage.” I don’t think I even questioned why. I knew. I put my shoes on and was gone. After about 20 or 30 minutes, I returned with a huge smile on my face. It was as though all of the stress in the world had been washed away. Sometimes you just need a breather.