Bathroom Bench

My Aunt and Uncle came to me last holiday season with a photo of a bathroom bench they were about to purchase. They liked the style, but had wanted to be able to adjust the wood and height to better fit their bathroom needs. They wanted something they could set their towel on while bathing or showering but also wanted something tall enough that they could comfortably sit on while putting on socks or slippers.

Having really only a photo, this proved to be pretty difficult since it was impossible to see the joinery of the legs to the top. This is where I just had to get creative. While there are a few things I would do differently next time, I’m pleased to report that they are happy with it and even showed it to a woodworker friend of theirs who gave it a stamp of approval! Guess it’s time to build it again!

This bench was ultimately made of solid walnut and is ~20″ tall, 20″ wide and 12.5″ deep. The edges of all pieces are rounded for a smooth finish. The bench is finished with several coats of General Finishes Arm R Seal Satin.